
How Long Does Invisalign Take?

Once you’ve decided to do something about your crooked, misaligned, and unevenly spaced teeth, we understand that you’d be excited to get to the finish line. After all, whether you’re a teenager, adult, or senior, you’re probably looking forward to looking in the mirror and seeing perfectly straight and evenly spaced pearly whites looking back at you.

With all that in mind, it probably won’t surprise you that one of the most common questions we get about orthodontic treatment like Invisalign in St. Albert is this: How long will it take? Truthfully, the best way to get the best possible answer to this question is to talk to your dentist in St. Albert. They’ll be able to answer it with the benefit of knowing the condition of your teeth and your goals. But that sounds like we’re trying to duck the question, and we’re not! So, here goes.

But really, how long does Invisalign take?

Here’s the thing about averages. They’re tricky. Math teachers everywhere talk about the imaginary person with their feet in the oven and their head in the freezer. On average, they’re pretty comfortable. The same sort of problem applies when answering this question about Invisalign. Since no two people have the same teeth, gums, medical history, general health, and cosmetic goals, averages aren’t particularly useful except as a general guideline. As a general guideline, Invisalign treatment plans take an average of twelve months. You’ll typically begin seeing results within a couple of months of starting to wear your aligners.

How long will straightening your teeth with Invisalign in St. Albert take? That will depend on a lot of factors. Severely misaligned teeth will take longer to straighten, and your dentist in St. Albert might even suggest a combination of treatment approaches to achieving your goal.

Invisalign effectively treats crooked and gapped teeth, but closing wide gaps between teeth can take longer than average depending on the underlying cause of those gaps. On the other hand, Invisalign also improves the spacing and appearance of overcrowded teeth. Mild overcrowding can often be resolved in less time than the average — sometimes in just six months.

To some extent, you can influence the pace of your Invisalign treatment in two ways. First, be sure to wear your aligners for at least 20 hours a day and ideally 22 hours per day. Your treatment plan assumes you’ll stick to that schedule and every day that you leave your aligners out for too long is a day that may prolong the length of your total program. Second, follow the schedule. Your dentist in Red Deer will provide you with a specific schedule of when to shift from one aligner to the next. That schedule won’t be random but will be based on 3D imaging of your teeth and simulations of the progress toward your final goal. To stay on track toward your end result, stay on schedule. Don’t divert without getting instructions to do so from your dentist. If you’re concerned about anything at any point, talk to your dentist’s staff at your occasional follow-up appointments.

For a more precise determination of your timeline toward achieving straighter and more evenly spaced teeth, contact a dental clinic near you to arrange for an assessment.

How does that compare with traditional wire and metal braces?

We won’t repeat everything we said about everyone’s individual circumstances being unique, but it’s true when it comes to braces as well. As a general rule, straightening teeth with traditional wire and metal braces does take longer than the average length of treatment using Invisalign’s aligners. Patients having their teeth straightened with braces often wear those braces for a year to 18 months.

For many people eager to have straighter teeth but patient and committed enough to stick to a plan, Invisalign in Red Deer can make their dreams come true. If that’s your dream, and that describes you, contact a dentist near you to confirm that Invisalign is right for you.